Jacqueline Joly
Upper Camp Counselor
I'm Jacqueline Joly, I'm 15 years old and a sophomore in high school. I've been a camper at RISE camp for about 8 years and I've loved every single minute of it. My favorite part was definitely the sports and as a CIT I was able to work in the Sports courses. That love for sports has carried outside of RISE Camp. I was able to join my high school basketball team. While I was the only girl on the team I was still able to learn from a lot of good players as well as improve on my game in general. All in all it was super fun. In addition to sports, I love editing videos and playing with rubix cubes. My fastest time is about 15 seconds. RISE Camp has truly been an amazing experience and I look forward to spending my summer there again as a Counselor.