Club Med
Grades 5-8
Full- day: 8:30am-3:00pm.:$450
Join us as we dive into the wonderful world of medical science and biotechnology! Have you ever been interested in dissecting a sheep brain or learning how DNA is used to solve a crime scene? If so, then this camp is for you! During this exciting week, students in grades 5-8 will learn about the human body and how it works. We will focus primarily on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. During these units, students will learn techniques for dissections and suturing. We will also do a deep dive into genetics and use MB Middle School’s newest PCR (polymerase chain reaction) and gel electrophoresis technology. Students will be able to make billions of copies of DNA extracts to diagnose patients with a genetic disease and solve a crime scene using this state of the art technology! Students will also make important career connections and will have guest speakers that work in the fields that they’re learning about in the lab and walk away with skills that they could use in a real world biotech lab!